Wednesday, June 27, 2007

If you read Smitten Kitchen, you’ll know that she is always making cakes and bringing them to other people’s birthdays and weddings. That’s so sweet of her. I wonder if they’re any good. Oh, I’m sure they’re good, I’m sure they’re delicious, but what if they weren’t? What if they were these very good looking things that tasted horrible? Or just tasted okay? What if there was just something about them you didn’t like but you never could say anything about it so you always said, Wow, Smitten, delicious! This is so good, making a show of enjoying it before sliding the remainder into the garbage, and then one moonlit night your beloved while drunk said, Are you happy now?, and you were engaged and you knew that when you told her she was going to insist on baking the wedding cake? Instead of getting something off your registry? What would you do then? Would you elope? Would you develop a very serious allergy to cake? What would you do?

I actually know the answer to this question: You would blame it on your fiancé’s mother.

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