Monday, July 9, 2007

I am very tired right now. I am so tired I shouldn’t drive, or heat things over a flame, although I did drive this morning, I drove the boys to get bagels, for breakfast, and to replace Henry’s sneakers, which were worn into a creek and had to be thrown out, and then I drove us to the supermarket and then home. I haven’t hurt myself yet, but in the supermarket I accidentally knocked John in the head with the cart. He only cried a little. He’s tired, too, too tired to maintain a particular attitude towards anything for any amount of time. In the supermarket he and Henry ran around and around and around and when I said, Boys! You can’t do this, other people stopped me to say that even though my children were running down the aisles yelling, they (my boys) were still very polite and careful and let people pass. And then I tried to say, Oh, they’re very good boys, I know it, it’s just that we took the red-eye and we’re so tired but there’s nothing in the house and so we had to come to the supermarket and their Dad had to go to work and our babysitter is at a stress test for her heart and our kitchen has been ripped out, and then the people who were trying to be nice to me, the strangers who liked my children while they misbehaved, stared at me and I realized I was too tired to be speaking to people but what could I do? I had to speak.

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