Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dearest Darling,

How is the trip? I hope you are having a good time and getting lots of work done. The children and I are fine here without you. What I mean to say is, Don’t be alarmed. Insurance covers most of it. As for the fish, well, there’s no use getting sentimental about him. Especially now. Oh, darling, it’s all going to be fine, and in six months or so you’ll barely remember what happened. Not that you know what happened, if you’ve only read the news reports. They get things wrong, around the margins, usually. Or sometimes. Anyway, it was lucky we’d turned off the gas. Think about how bad things could have been. Right? Everything’s relative, except morality. Wink, wink. One great thing is that the kids love camping. They’re as happy as pigs in shit.

The point is, darling, that I don’t want you to worry. Keep your head in the game! We’ll still be here, when you get back.

Love, etc.

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